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Acerca de

Dark Ocean

Safety plan

Tornado Plan

  1. Stay calm.

  2. Church leader will call out instructions.

  3. West seating (right side) exit to the rear steps to the basement.  Stay left. Do not cross over to the other side.

  4. East seating (left side) exit to the rear steps to the basement. Stay right. Do not cross over to the other side.

  5. Sunday School 2nd floor rooms exit down steps all the way to the basement.


  7. Please assist anyone in need of help.

  8. Arrive in the basement. A church leader will direct you to a safe, shelter location.Stay toward the center. Avoid being close to windows. Be aware of overhead fixtures that could break lose.

  9. Stay calm.

  10. Count attendees and staff. Pastor shall lead us in prayer.

Emanuel Lutheran Church Fire Evacuation Plan


Basement Plan

Primary exit is the West set of doors leading to the sidewalk area on the West side of the building.

Secondary exit would be through the door in the kitchen leading to the sidewalk area on the East side of the building.

Third exit will be the stairs leading up to the first floor on both the East and West side of the platform.


First Floor Plan

Find the nearest exit on the side of the Nave that you are sitting.

Overflow, office, and classroom areas will go to the nearest exit leading to the doors on the East and West side of the building.


Second Floor Plan

Classroom areas will proceed to the nearest exit.  Proceed to the exit doors on the first floor leading to teh sidewalk areas on the East and West sides of the building.


Once you have exited the building, please proceed to the rear parking lot at the Stanbery building next to the church.  Deacons and Elders will assist in the evacuation of the church during such an emergency.  The Pastor or his representatives will help assemble the congregation in the rear parking lot.  Please do not leave the area before being accounted for.  A roll call will be taken to assure everyone has exited the building.  This will assist the fire department in determining their course of action.  DO NOT USE THE ELEVATOR DURING A FIRE EVACUATION!



The purpose of this plan is to introduce philosophy and guidelines in providing Emanuel Lutheran Church (LCMS) with a church security plan.  The objective is to provide security without interfering with the core mission and activities of the church.  The plan is intended to be complex enough to provide security, but simple enough to understand follow.

Our first line of defense will be each member of the congregation attending service.  The enter congregation is asked to do the following:

Maintain awareness of your surroundings.

Report suspicious persons or actions.

Follow evacuation and security actions if announced during an emergency.


If you need to report suspicious activities, immediately alert one of the following:

Security Team Member



Church Officer

Sunday School Teacher

Church Employee


All Team members and Deacons should carry their cell phones.


On Sundays, the Front, East, and West side doors along with the elevator, will be open for access to the building.   A volunteer will be stationed at each door to monitor entry into the building.  Once the Worship Service begins, the Front and West side doors will be locked. A Deacon or other volunteer will continue to monitor the East side door.  Team members and Deacons will maintain monitoring and watch for any potential threats during Worship.  For Sunday School and Bible Study, all other services or activities, it will require coordination between the church staff and security volunteers. The East and West side doors plus the elevator should be available for building access.  If Deacons or other Security Team members are not available at that time, volunteers would be needed to monitor the doors.



If an intruder threatens injury or the life of a guest or church member(s) the following actions will be taken:

During assessment of the situation if person in question is armed or irrational (yelling, making threats, etc.), call 911 immediately for police help.  If 911 is called, send a Security Team member outside to meet the police to explain the situation and give the best information available as to where the intruder is located.


Those persons threatened by a potential killer have three (3) options for survival.  In order of priority and success:

Getting away

Locking down

Confronting the attacker


Getting away:

Leave the church as quickly as possible through the closest open, safe exit away from the intruder.  If unable to leave the building, find an area of cover or confinement, again out of line of sight from the intruder.

For Sunday School classes on the 1st floor, if it is determined by the teacher that a safe exit is possible, move quickly with the students through the East or West side door getting out of line of sight of the building.  For Sunday School classes on the 2nd floor, if it is s determined by the teacher that a safe exit is possible, they should move quickly with their students to use the elevator.  Use the elevator and go to the ground floor, exit the building.  Get out of the line of sight of the building.  If not able to make a safe exit, barricade the doors to your room and do all that is possible to hide.


Locking down:

Security Team members should try to isolate the intruder by blocking his/her access to other areas of the church until the police arrive.


Confronting the attacker:

This is your last resort.

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